Welcome to Anger Baby's Webspace

You shouldn't mouth off when you don't know shit

Hey there. This is my little space where I share things about myself and what I'm a fan of. I also like to share links to interesting or helpful websites.

I've really enjoyed getting into Neocities and browsing indie websites. I was very active on Geocities in the early 2000s and really missed it. I found out about Neocities when my son showed me his website. I was so amazed that this sort of stuff was still around! I didn't get into it right away. My life was a bit hectic and overwhelming at the time so I put the idea on hold. My life has settled more now so I have time for hobbies. It's been so heartwarming and exciting to browse all the cool websites! It's also been so fun finding out how much I still remember from my Geocities days whilst learning even more. It's so refreshing!

I left social media a long time ago and I do not regret it. I will never go back. But, I found myself longing for the old days. I missed the days of personal blogs/websites where you could show off your personality. I still wanted to connect and share with people over the Internet but not via FB, Insta, Twitter, etc. I know this website is unlikely to get many (if any) views but it's available if I ever want to show people my art, hobbies, and interests. It's a nice alternative to uploading my life to big social media. There's no pressure to get likes and comments. There's no risk of feeling down and questioning myself if a post isn't loved by everyone. If someone doesn't like my content, they can just move on and I don't even have to know! I think that's so awesome!

Anyway, I do hope you find something here that interests you. If one little thing makes you smile then I'll be happy! If you want to leave a sweet message, my guestbook is linked on the left

Thank you for stopping by!

p.s. I know YouTube is social media but I love it too much. There are many fantastic genuine creators on there that produce high quality entertainment and education. The majority of what I watch is on YouTube. I've linked to a few YouTubers I enjoy on the right side of this page.


mind out of order Mean people suck I have anxiety I don't get attatched I love mechanical pencils Pink Floyd's Wish you were here black and white planets Animal Crossing everyone needs a little encouragement sometimes Hot Topic Swirling spiral abstinence only sex ed is bullshit I support traditional and digital art equally bisexual people in hetero relationships are valid black lives matter Blocking isn't cowardly CSS Stamp I don't need religion to have morals hating something that's popular doesn't make you cool shipping real people is creepy the U.S.A. is not a christian nation I heart stamps I love drawing I still sleep with plushies My little pony Studio Ghibli Kiki's delivery service, Kiki flying on broom it's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice no no no no no scrolling rapidly Nintendo Switch totally rad shut your meowth Stardew Valley Team Rocket this stamp is too funny to load for you I make typos We all fear the unknown Spongebob Five nights at freddies habababda loading

Stamps I made:

my GAD triggers my IBS

you silly billy

Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll Rick Roll

To do:

  1. doneScan in some art
  2. Find crochet projects and take pictures
  3. Find some pictures to share on "Photographs"
  4. Fill out "Resources" page
  5. idk maybe you can suggest some?